Some days I could just kiss my mail lady, I really do love her, beyond being an excellent mail carrier she is also a great customer. Today she brought me a very special package, it was shipped from my new friend
Brenda Schweder who I met at the Bead Fest in Philly. If you don't know who Brenda is she is the inventor of the Now That's A Jig and my package contained a whole jig setup including a few extra parts. If you haven't seen this jig I suggest you take yourself over to her
website and check it out, it's amazing, the pegs all screw in instead of just pegs that slide out every time you take your work off the jig. It also screws to the table leaving both hands free to create.
My new toy, Now That's a Jig |
I was able to play with her jig for some time at the show since her booth was right beside Diane's, I was able to make up these dragon flies in 3 sizes. The patterns will be available through Brenda's website along with 10 more I will be creating for her in the next few months.
Dragon Flies made with the new Now That's a Jig |
Brenda's bracelet is on the cover of this months Wire Jewelry Magazine.
Brenda's Bracelet |
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