Thursday, September 22, 2011

Would you like a mini dress form tutorial?

After looking all over the internet for inexpensive small dress forms I decided there wasn't such a thing.  I needed a beefy dress form that was light weight and easy to pack for shows. The dress form I came up with measures 23 inches tall and 9 inches across the shoulders.  I really wanted her to have a well loved look so I used the wrong side of some very heavy denim and sprayed coffee on the form once it was stuffed.  If she gets damp she is going to smell like coffee but the finished look is exactly what I had hoped for.  Everything used to make her is available at either Jo Ann's or Hobby Lobby. I am thinking if there is enough interest I may write a tutorial/pattern so you can make some of your own.  Not much sewing experience is necessary if you can kinda sew a straight line then you have enough knowledge to make one.  Please leave me a note if you are interested so I can see if it would be worth while.  The bottom of the form will need something so it can be clamped to the table for outdoor shows but I haven't figured out what that is yet.


  1. Oh, that is just great! I have a small flock of dress form displays and have always wanted to get a whole bunch more. My latest find is Queen Pearl (you can read about her on my blog post from at the end of August). I would definitely be interested in a tutorial since I have spent a small fortune outfitting my displays with these things!
    Enjoy the day!

  2. that is really cool! Yes I would like a tutorial!

  3. Oh yes ma'am, tutorial please! After seeing so many of the bead soups displayed on forms (or live people) I definitely would like to show off my pieces on a form!

  4. I've been thinking the same thing! I've looked at stands in craft stores, but the ones I've seen are way too small to display my long pendants and necklaces. This would be great for photographing and even for planning the jewelry.

    I'm so glad I just happened upon your blog at the moment you were discussing this! I'm signing up!

  5. Yep..would love to see what you come up with! IO love her nice womanly shape!
